Calaveras Reservoir, California
Calaveras Dam
Fed by the Arroyo Hundo and Calaveras Creek, in Milpitas, California
The first dam on the site collapsed due to engineering flaws
The current Calaveras Dam was, at its completion in 1925, the largest earth-fill dam in the world
It is 245 feet high, with a length of 1200 feet at its crest
The reservoir has a capacity of 100,000 acre-feet
Maintain appropriate levels of dissovlved oxygen in the hypolimnion to reduce treatment requirements and to support steelhead trout habitat
- Located near Sunol, California, in Santa Clara County
- 2,000 feet of diffuser in 2 lines
- 4-tons/day oxygen capacity
Courtesy of SFPUC |
Adult O. mykiss collected at San Antonio Reservoir in August 2009 (no oxygenation) |
Adult o. mykiss collected at the Calaveras Reservoir in August 2009 (oxygenated since 2005) |
Courtesy of SFPUC |
Courtesy of the San Fransisco Public Utility Commission |
2005 Results at Caleveras Reservoir, Courtsey of the San Francisco Public Utility District |
Courtesy of the San Francisco Public Utility District |
Courtesy of the San Francisco Public Utility Commission |
Courtesy of the San Francisco Public Utility District |
Courtesty of the San Fransisco Utility District |
The work site at Calaveras Reservoir |
Supply pipe from oxygen facility |
Floating line diffuser |
Positioning the diffuser to GPS cordinates |
Underground supply line to lake shore |
Oxygen control valves |
Oxygen facility in operation |
Line diffuser bubbles on the surface during deployment |
Bubbles making it to the surface on a calm day |
Publications and References